Monday 1 February 2010

It has been 30 years....

12 January 1980...It was the first time I set foot in the land so far away from home. Just reaching 13 years of age on January 6th I was an alien in my own world. Oh.. syahdunya waktu itu Allah saja yang tahu. Kata ayah, it was only temporary...a normal feeling for a normal people. Yes I was being normal that time. Just like me, ayah was also being normal.. I guessed. When everything was over ayah walked away without looking back. I was left crying my heart out to deal with my own life...
Now after 30 years I understand. I was never being left alone. It was just what life should be.. May be ayah was afraid I might see something running down his cheek when we said goodbye. Yes now I remember ...I did see that thing.... Thank you ayah for teaching me to be this strong. I really need your strength. Time has come. Now it might be my turn to be in your position.
Apa-apa pun may Allah gives me strength. May His blessing be with me and all the people I love...

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Open house selagi Syawal (Part 2)

“Mas, free tak harini? Jom teman Kak Zai pergi beraya.” Bila ada teman seperjuangan ajak beraya, haruslah kita terima dengan tangan terbuka....